Taking the Extra Step


A Different Kind of Company

The J.R. Simplot公司是一家私营的家族企业,当您需要我们时,我们会为您服务. We pride ourselves on being trusted partners, resourceful stewards, and caring advisors focused on you and your operations.

Reliability Delivered Icon

Reliability Delivered

Simplot成熟的分销网络和经验丰富的团队在您需要的地方提供高质量的产品, when you need it.

Relationships Matter Icon

Relationships Matter


Good Stewards Icon

Good Stewards

Our connection to the Earth drives everything we do. We strive to be resourceful stewards of our planet’s precious resources.

Strong Reputation Icon

A Strong Reputation


Focused Family Business Icon

A Focused Family Business

As a privately held, family-owned global enterprise, Simplot可以专注于为客户创造价值,而不是短期收益.

Quality Products Icon

Quality Products

Customers value Simplot’s quality products. 这种差异源于我们的磷酸盐和氮专业知识以及成熟的供应商网络.

Black and White Picture of J.R. Simplot

The Entrepreneur Behind the Enterprise

J.R. 比较正规的赌博软件看到了问题中的可能性,并以企业家精神和创造性的想法采取行动,帮助一个人的农场经营成为一家全球性的食品和农业综合企业. J.R. 比较正规的赌博软件于20世纪20年代末开始在爱达荷州南部的农田里建立公司. Although quite young, he was armed with constant curiosity, boundless energy and an irrepressible drive to find a better way, which fueled his success. When J.R. Simplot diversified his business to include phosphate in 1944, 它成为Simplot成功故事的重要组成部分,也是我们如何为养活世界做出贡献的核心.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Simplot’s commitment feeding to the world?

We Contribute to Feeding Our World

The J.R. Simplot公司的宗旨和使命是通过将地球资源转化为生命,为养活我们的世界做出贡献. 这一愿望推动着我们对全球粮食和农业的承诺,并导致了多样化的投资组合,涵盖了从土壤到海洋,再到世界各地的餐桌上各种与农业相关的利益.

Where does Simplot mine phosphate ore?

Simplot mines in two locations: The Smoky Canyon Mine in Caribou County, Idaho, and the Vernal Mine in Vernal, Utah. After being mined, 通过与州和联邦机构的密切合作,土地被开垦,以确保土地保持活力, healthy and fertile.

Where do you manufacture phosphate fertilizer?

Simplot在两个地方生产磷肥:Don工厂, just outside Pocatello, Idaho; and in Rock Springs, Wyoming. 从这些工厂,化肥直接运往北美各地的客户.

What does phosphate do?

Phosphate - A Plant’s Energy Source

Just like vitamins help our human health, nutrients like nitrogen, phosphate, and potassium are key building blocks for plant life. 磷是提高植物利用和储存能量能力的一种必需营养素. 它有助于根系发育、植物生长成熟和种子发育.

What does nitrogen do?

Nitrogen - For Leafy Growth

As one of the key building blocks for plant life, 氮是促进植物绿叶生长和开花发育所必需的营养物质. Plants absorb more nitrogen than any other element.

Why is fertilizer important?

Fertilizer Ramps Food Production

Every part of our lives is touched by fertilizer in some way. 化肥占世界粮食产量的50%以上. 20多亿人患有微量营养素营养不良,化肥有助于消除这一对世界健康的威胁. 肥料还有助于补充植物和作物生长过程中流失的养分, 确保土壤拥有有效生产更多植物所需的资源. Over the past 40 years in North America, 由于种植面积大致相同,农民们的产量得以翻倍以上, in large part, to fertilizer. Simply put, fertilizer feeds the plants that feed the planet.

How do we deliver our products?

Dependable Delivery

Simplot作物营养批发的复杂配送系统确保您可以依靠我们交付. 我们的在线订单状态和遍布北美的庞大仓库系统有助于确保您的货物在正确的时间到达, every time.

How is phosphate fertilizer made?

Phosphate rock (ore) is mined, 然后粉碎和清洗,以去除大部分的沙子和粘土嵌入磷酸盐. This is a process known as beneficiation. Once the sand and clay are removed, the phosphate is mixed with water to form a slurry, then pumped through a pressurized, 地下管道通往制造工厂,在那里与硫和/或氨一起加工生产肥料.

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